Mr Zech is a millenial who discovered tabletalk RPGs as an adult through Youtube actual plays of the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. At that time, he was initially unwilling to invest in a pricey gamebook, so he sought out cheaper alternatives. One of these alternatives was Dungeon World.
Having not even played a single session of an RPG yet, Mr Zech was exposed to the the game-design side of the hobby. Tumbling down this rabbit hole, he would in time discover and be influenced by the Apocalypse World lineage of games, and the forks of D&D in the Old School Re-X (OSR).
Today, he dreams of RPGs and tries to post about them on this blog. Mr. Zech aims for his games to be fun and easy to pick up for players, game facilitators and game designers. And sometimes, just sometimes, he also hopes that his games will be representative of who he is.
See the latest of Mr Zech's thoughts on RPGs and the games he is currently working on at his blog.